Luke Shea
Business Agent
Luke Shea has been a member of IUOE Local 955 since 2005, when a family member who was also a member brought him down to the Union Hall to sign up. His first job with the Local was at North American Construction Group at the Syncrude/Suncor Aurora site. He was dispatched there as a Haul Truck driver.
Luke feels the best skills he brings to his job is his honesty and loyalty. He is a very hard worker and a people person who will always listen to what the members have to say. His attention to detail and determination to help others is second to any of his other skills.
Luke names his best job as his current role as Business Agent for IUOE. As a Business Agent he would like to bridge the gap between company and Union relationships. He aims to reinforce the “We are the Union” mentality amongst the members. He would like to contribute to the growth of the membership so that our children and future generations will have the opportunity to be a part of the IUOE family.
Luke feels his time with North American Construction Group has been the most influential. When he started out, he stuck to the older crowd of operators that had been working for years. He found that as long as he was willing to listen, they were willing to pass along whatever knowledge they had.
Luke’s biggest influence on his career would be his parents and grandparents. They taught him about hard work, dedication, honesty and that if you want something you have to go out and earn it; nobody is going to give you anything for free. They also stressed that when you earn it you value it more. He was always taught to never be too busy to help somebody because you might find yourself in their position someday.
Luke is a strong believer that safety comes first in every aspect with anything we do.
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