Delanee Daviau
Business Agent
Delanee Daviau entered into the Unionized Construction industry right out of high school at 18 years old. She is a Red Seal Journeyman Welder and realized early on that although she loved her trade, she loved the people more. From that point on Delanee volunteered at every opportunity and began being asked to attend different industry functions where her networking lead to many opportunities. In 2019 Delanee’s career was at a cross roads and she decided to make the leap from working for a previously affiliated labour organization, to try her hand at being a Heavy Equipment Operator in the Overburden sector. After becoming a Member of I.U.O.E. Local 955 Delanee was given the opportunity to join the Membership Development Department as an Organizer. Her previous experience and passion for educating the working class on their rights and opportunities, paired with her experience chairing committees, participating in industry roundtables, and advocating for women in the trades, made her more than prepared to talk to the non-union sector about joining the Union. After nearly a year Organizing, Delanee is now a Business Agent representing Members in both Overburden and the Public Sector. “My goal is to be a Business Agent Members are proud to have. The type of Business Agent I would have wanted helping me. It is important, both personally and professionally, that the world know that workers deserve to share in the wealth they create. I look forward to getting to the bargaining table and learning from my Brothers who have so much experience and wisdom to pass on. I am proud to be of the next generation of Business Agents, and even more proud to belong to a Union that believes in diversity. As one of the first female Business Agents, I give my word to my Sisters that I will do you proud and at every opportunity ensure there is a seat at the table for you.” Delanee continues to be an AIT Board Member and has served on the Government of Alberta Board for nearly three years. She is passionate about the skilled trades and uses her experience and influence to bring a unionized voice to the table. “I look forward to meeting the Members I represent and my Brothers and Sisters at large. Joining an Organization during a pandemic has come with its own challenges, but I look forward to getting to know my Brothers and Sisters and continuing to build the Sisters of 955 Committee.”
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