Ryan Ermet
Business Agent
“It’s an honour to work for members of IUOE Local 955.”
Ryan Ermet is a Red Seal Journeyperson Welder and Heavy Equipment Technician. His father was the Vice General Chair of Western Canada for his union. His dad taught him about the power of the collective, and of the important role unions play on the shop floor and in society. Ryan’s father has been his biggest influence and really set the stage for what he does today.
Ryan has spent over a decade working on heavy equipment and being involved in all aspects of his union by holding multiple elected positions. He spent 5 years as the Coordinator of Western Canada for a health care union representing health care workers. It was through these experiences that Ryan honed his skills in labour relations and negotiations.
As a Local 955 Business Agent, Ryan strives to make a positive difference in the careers of members and to build strong solidarity within the membership. Representing workers and making their lives better is what he strives to do, every day.
When it comes to safety, Ryan believes all workers deserve to work in a safe environment that helps ensure they return home to their families and friends.
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